Thursday, April 23, 2009

Offer datang lagi....arrghhh!!!


Dalam 5 minit lps.... ak dpt call dari negeri sendiri, Bard Pharmaceutical offer ak tempat LI. Aiyooo, ak dh pening ni. Time nk anta SLI, xde offer langsung sampai pikir UMP Holdings (jgnlah LI kt sini), time last2 minute, dpt 3 offer lak. Arggghh, dua offer bole masuk keje kalo perform. Satu kat Kedah (mmg bapak ak suh amik ni kot) dan satu kt Selangor (design! consultant!). Final decision minggu dpn...ak tunggu Cognis Oleochemicals.

Design vs Pharmaceutical, buat masa skang...seri...

Ni emel dari consultant kt Selangor....

Dear Mr Shamsul

Thank you for your reply.

Before we proceed further, in brief, you will be trained to be a consultant in designing a laboratory base on the needs of the research works or applications needed in running a day-to-day operation of the laboratory. Analysis studies include the type of research works, the people involve and the flow of work from receiving samples to the final work. On top of that, you will be trained on the mechanical and electrical aspects in lab designing. This includes ventilations system, plumbing and drainage system as well as gas distribution system. In a nutshell, as a consultant, you will be the focal point in solving problems not only to the lab user but also to the architect, resident engineer and also to the main contractor.

We believe that this training will also enhance your marketing and communicating skills to the different level of professional personal as well as develop your planning and coordinating projects. We enclosed herewith our company profile so as to give you an idea of what our company specialize in.

Thank you,

Mohd Rafie Bin Salehudin
ASL Lab Design Solutions Sdn Bhd

Ak rase ASL mmg minat dgn ak yang hensem ni (hehehehehe) sbb dia reply emel ak hanya slps 2 jam ak anta resume.

In any case, Alhamdulillah...

Kesewelan yang terang lg nyata........

Mutiara kata:
Together we roar
Together we soar

More to come...


  1. btol2.
    mmg senget la.
    dh hntr SLI dpt byk lak offer.
    semlm ade lg 2 company call aku.
    huhu. dorang ni xbc cover letter tu ke ha?
    dh terang2 letak due date before 8 april.
    Aku rs bgs ko amik yg consultant tu.
    best tuh. sng ko nk jd IR nanti.

  2. wah..hebat ko sam..dpt bnyk lain nk dpt satu tawaran pun susah..

  3. ntah btul kate mazia..
    solat istikharah lh sam..

